Residence/Home |
Air/Bus/Train Terminal |
Bank/Savings and Loan |
Bar/Nightclub |
Commercial/Office Buildin... |
Convenience Store |
Department/Discount Store |
Drug Store/Doctor’s Offic... |
Grocery/Supermarket |
Hotel/Motel/Etc. |
Liquor Store |
Rental Storage Facility |
Restaurant |
Service/Gas Station |
Number of Victims |
Residence/Home | 105 |
Commercial | 102 |
Air/Bus/Train Terminal | 12 |
Bank/Savings and Loan | 2 |
Bar/Nightclub | 22 |
Commercial/Office Building | 6 |
Convenience Store | 8 |
Department/Discount Store | 9 |
Drug Store/Doctor’s Office/Hospital | 2 |
Grocery/Supermarket | 3 |
Hotel/Motel/Etc. | 4 |
Liquor Store | 3 |
Rental Storage Facility | 3 |
Restaurant | 12 |
Service/Gas Station | 7 |